Blog Post

Can you save on Life Insurance?

  • By Wayne Lennan
  • 02 Oct, 2020

You CAN!

Have you ever considered saving money on life insurance?

Well, we are all thinking of how we can reduce household expenses in the current environment and you can include your Life Insurance when considering how to save.  There are many ways to do it.  Look at your health and fitness in the first instance.  Do you smoke or are you over weight? 

If you quit smoking or improve your BMI you are very likely eligible for savings on life insurance.  It is recommended that you regularly review and compare your cover with your insurance specialist.  You need to ensure that you always have the right product and amount of cover for you in your current circumstances.  This may be different from when you purchased your first policy and these changes could save you money.

Call Wayne at Insurance For Living for a free checkup on your policy or visit our website to make an appointment 
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