Blog Post

What's your most valuable asset? 

  • By Wayne Lennan
  • 15 Nov, 2020

How much Life Insurance is enough?

This is a great question.  Firstly, do you have a life insurance policy.  If not, I can help you.  As we grow older life seems to speed up, so don't delay, a persons life can change in an instant and we need to be prepared as best we can for life's unexpected turns.  If you do have life insurance then from time to time we should make assessments if we have the right policy in place or the right levels of cover. 

As I said, life can change in an instant, or what seems like it.  For example, you may be covered in your early years when you are single, suddenly you are in a marriage, or you have started a family.   You may have purchased a home along the way or upgraded to a bigger home.

Whether it's increasing your family size, getting married, having children, or buying a house and having a mortgage. All these life events can impact upon whether or not you have sufficient insurance should the unexpected happen.   Can your family have financial stability with their current mortgage or current living expenses with the level of cover you purchased years ago?  

It is very likely your circumstances have changed and there is a need to review the policy and cover that you have purchased to ensure it is still enough with the changes that have happened to us in life. 

Call me on 0412 49 42 43 or visit my website to book in a FREE appointment and we can discuss what level of cover is best for your circumstances now and into the future.  

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